Chicago Fight House

Boxing Classes
Independence Park
3945 N Springfield Ave, Chicago, IL 60618
Summer Classes: M&W 7 p.m.

1 on 1 Personal Boxing Training

We provide personal 1 on 1 boxing training for men, women, and kids near Lincoln Square in Chicago, IL.

  • Increase Your Stamina
  • Best Cross Training That Exists
  • Decrease Bodyfat
  • Ripped Arms, Shoulders and Back
  • Fantastic Anaerobic Workout
  • Program tailored to your individual needs
  • Faster & Stronger Punches
  • Excellent Boxing Defense
  • Always Evolving Workout – Easy ↦ Rigorous
  • Check out our extreme boxing workouts and hardcore boxing drills

1 on 1 Personal Boxing Training means you work with Lou Storiale, a Certified Level 1 boxing trainer with over 20 years of experience.

Here is an example of mitt work done 1 on 1 for several months learning how to punch correctly, slipping punches, blocking and counter punching

  • Custom Training For Your Goals
  • Gain Technical Mastery
  • Rapid Improvement
  • Comfortable Learning Environment
  • Great for Beginners and Competitors

The best training is to have a committed partner assisting you in your goals.

Benefits of Personal Training - Boxing

  • Upper and lower body strength
  • Coordination
  • Muscular endurance
  • Professional punching speed and power
  • Cardiovascular endurance and stamina
  • Excellent for cross-training (E.g. runners, bikers, tri-athletes)
When compared to other exercise programs you will find that Personal Boxing Training will give you superior results. Burning fat and calories comes naturally and looking fit and trim is the reward.

How Can Boxing Help Your Physical and Mental Fitness Goals?

I receive this question quite a bit.   At first prospective students are interested in the concept or fantasy of becoming a skilled boxer, but only for fitness and health.  Over the years, I have had to think about this from the perspective of the motivated 20-30-year-old male, women interested in fitness and self-defense, and even older folks that are interested in keeping both their minds and bodies healthy for the long haul.The truth is that Boxing is not only a popular Olympic sport, but it’s also an intense and dynamic workout that is available to almost everyone.  Boxing training can help a person lose weight, become fit, and it relaxes the mind.

Exhaust the body and the mind will calm” ~ Jeff Hinds

If you’re someone who doesn’t enjoy running on a treadmill or working out on traditional gym equipment, boxing is a dynamic and challenging workout that can help you shed pounds and learn a useful skill while improving your overall fitness.

One of the main benefits of taking boxing lessons for weight loss is that it’s a high-intensity workout that burns a significant amount of calories. Boxing involves a combination of cardio and muscular endurance training, which means that you’ll be working on both your circulatory system and your muscle’s ability to perform a motion repetitively over a long period of time. A typical boxing workout can burn up to 800 calories per hour and can help improve your mental health as well.

When you exercise, it increases endorphins, dopamine, adrenaline, and endocannabinoid — these are all brain chemicals associated with feeling happy, feeling confident, feeling capable, feeling less anxiety and stress, and even less physical pain.

Dr. Kelly McGonical

Another benefit of boxing for weight loss is that it’s a full-body workout that engages multiple muscle groups. Although legs and core are still used while boxing, runners use boxing to give their legs a break while still performing cardio fitness. I certainly did while training 6 days per week for competitions.
  • Mon-Wed-Fri Boxing
  • Tues-Thurs-Sat Running
When throwing 1,000-3,000 punches in an hour, you’re using your shoulders, back, chest, and arms more than running or biking ever could.  This makes Boxing a great addition to any runner’s or biker’s workout routine.Boxing is also a great way to improve your balance, coordination, and agility, which are all important for overall fitness and health.Boxing is also a skill that you can learn and improve upon over time. This can be incredibly motivating and rewarding, especially if you enjoy learning new things and challenging yourself.Learning proper boxing techniques and strategies for throwing punches and using slick footwork, as well as defensive moves like blocking and slipping, requires focus and concentration. This mental engagement can help take your mind off the physical effort of the workout, making it more enjoyable and engaging.Perhaps one of the biggest benefits of boxing for weight loss is that it’s a fun and dynamic workout that can be adapted to your fitness level and goals.Whether you’re a beginner or an experienced athlete, there are always new techniques and combinations to learn and master.
“I had a client many years ago that never did a physical thing in her life.  She literally could not jump over the line designed in the carpet.  She was a social worker for more than 30 years and the mental stress had taken its toll.  After 30 minutes of boxing, the cobwebs cleared and she walked out of the gym after every lesson, a new person.  It was quite a thing to witness and many other personal trainers would comment what a difference her boxing lessons made.”
You can also adjust the intensity of boxing drills that use 2lb or 3lb dumbbells (yes, that’s right), lighter or heavier jump ropes, adjust HIIT routines, or just increase or decrease the speed and power of your punches.Working with an experienced boxing instructor means that you can keep your workouts challenging and engaging, which can help you stick to your fitness goals over the long term.


Boxing Classes

M&W 7pm (please arrive early)
3945 N Springfield Ave
Chicago, IL 60618
Phone: (312) 975-9345
(Text for faster response)

Personal Boxing Training
1 on 1:  $90/session
2 on 1:  $45/session each
3 on 1:  $30/session each
There are no refunds for missed classes
(8 sessions minimum)


Lou knows his stuff. He’s a good teacher for beginners because he is relentless at instilling you with fundamentals. He shows you there’s a lot more to boxing form and technique than blindly throwing punches. He’s one of the best teachers I’ve ever had in any field. He is also a kind and funny man. Multiple times a class, he would have me legitimately dying laughing in between wheezing and sweating like a fool. His anecdotes are always entertaining and helpful for learning the concepts. It was scary for me to try boxing for the first time, but I will always be grateful that I decided to go to Lou’s class after reading the reviews on google. Those days in the community center, the parking lot, the tennis courts, working on combos with Lou and all of the other good, kind people in the class (Lou insists he doesn’t teach a*****es and he’s right), I will remember and cherish those days for the rest of my life. <br> To know Lou Storiale is to love him. I’m grateful I got the chance to.

Nick Pagliara
Nick Pagliara Beginners Boxing Class Review
Victoria Zimmerman (AKA Tori) boxing class and 1 on 1 training review on Google

Lou is a fantastic trainer & coach. He pushes you to the limit but not past. Lou is a mixes technique and strength training throughout the session.

I’ve gone to a few boxing clubs and Lou by far is my favorite trainer. If you want a tough workout and learn to be a good boxer— go with Lou.


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