Chicago Fight House

Tabata boxing drills

Tabata Heavy Bag Drill

Tabata training is part of HIIT (High-Intensity Interval Training). HIIT programs have sprung up over the last 15 years. (see video demo at the bottom)

Tabata is based on a study done by Dr. Izumi Tabata in a research study published in 1996. In general, it is a high-intensity workout for 20 seconds with a 10-second rest – repeat for a total of 8 intervals.

Equipment Needed

  • 1 Heavy Bag
  • 16oz Gloves
  • Timer or Coach with a Stopwatch

(Here is a link to numerous Tabata Apps: Apple | Android )

Extreme Boxing Drill: Tabata (HIIT)

"This boxing drill will kick your butt" ~ Everyone

In this boxing workout, we are using a heavy bag and throwing two straight punches 1-2 repeatedly as many times as possible, full power, full extension and rotation while returning the hands to your face every time.

A good way to visualize this drill is to imagine that you have someone hurt in the corner and you are blasting them with straight punches: Jab-Cross-Jab-Cross-Jab-Cross [1-2, 1-2, 1-2] 

Tabata Boxing Workout

  1.   20 seconds: Power Punches (Jab-Cross-Jab-Cross-Jab-Cross… Repeat)
    • 10-second rest
  2.   20 seconds: Power Punches (Jab-Cross-Jab-Cross-Jab-Cross… Repeat)
    • 10-second rest
  3.   20 seconds: Power Punches (Jab-Cross-Jab-Cross-Jab-Cross… Repeat)
    • 10-second rest
  4.   20 seconds: Power Punches (Jab-Cross-Jab-Cross-Jab-Cross… Repeat)
    • 10-second rest
  5.   20 seconds: Power Punches (Jab-Cross-Jab-Cross-Jab-Cross… Repeat)
    • 10-second rest
  6.   20 seconds: Power Punches (Jab-Cross-Jab-Cross-Jab-Cross… Repeat)
    • 10-second rest
  7.   20 seconds: Power Punches (Jab-Cross-Jab-Cross-Jab-Cross… Repeat)
    • 10-second rest
  8.   20 seconds: Power Punches (Jab-Cross-Jab-Cross-Jab-Cross… Repeat)
    • 10-second rest

Total Punches: 480-640 punches
Total Time 4:00 minutes

The last time I checked, the average number of punches per fighter in a Heavyweight Title Bout was 450.  You are throwing just as many punches in about the same amount of time as 1 professional boxing round.  This is a very intense workout for shoulder, chest, tricep endurance and cardio. 

Tabata drills also helps to train boxers to breathe while punching.  You simply can’t hold your breath for 30 seconds while throwing this many punches – 60-80 per set.

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